BAME Pilates
A truly global approach to movement for short and long term benefits.

A truly global functional approach to movement, capable of offering short and long term benefits.
The strictly personalized lessons consist of an intense bodyweight program and an equally intense work on the specific equipment peculiar of the traditional and contemporary Pilates technique.
In our Lugano site you shall find a beautiful Studio fully equipped for carrying out Body Asset Pilates private and semi-private lessons, which by choice are reserved to a limited number of participants.
The Studio is also supervised by teachers with the international PMA® NCPT® title.
We are also home to the Body Asset Pilates teachers training program, and host numerous continuing education seminars in the field of wellness movement, held by internationally renowned names.
OLTRE AL SITO, dove posso trovare informazioni ed aggiornamenti che riguardano Body Asset Movement Evolution?
COSA mi aspetto di trovare nello Studio Body Asset Movement Evolution?
Uno Studio Pilates completamente attrezzato:
Universal Reformer
Ladder, Swing e Step Barrel
Piccoli attrezzi, compresi Foot Corrector, Toe Corrector ecc.
E mille altri piccoli dispositivi utili.
CHI gestisce lo Studio Body Asset Movement Evolution?
La titolare dello Studio è Francesca Cusin Marletta, professionista qualificata a livello internazionale, con più di 40 anni di esperienza.
Consult il CV di Francesca Cusin Marletta.
DOVE posso trovare uno Studio Body Asset Movement Evolution?
LUGANO, sede centrale: via Besso 59 – ingresso B
(dalla scala esterna sulla destra del palazzo)
MENDRISIO: Via Lavizzari 4
Terzo Piano C/O Studio Emovere
Natel: +41 76 422 95 59
Quali sono gli ORARI di apertura dello Studio Body Asset Movement Evolution?
Lo Studio di LUGANO è operativo il lunedì, mercoledì e giovedì dalle 9.00 alle 20.00 con orario continuato.
Lo Studio di MENDRISIO è operativo il martedì e venerdì dalle 9.00 alle 20.00 con orario continuato.
Il sabato è solitamente giornata dedicata a seminari monotematici, sia per la clientela che per la Formazione Continua di istruttori, le cui date ed argomenti vengono comunicati di volta in volta sul sito, sui social e tramite messaggistica.
Quanto costano le lezioni allo Studio Body Asset Movement Evolution?
Ogni dettaglio alla pagina TARIFFE.
(Essendo le lezioni solo su appuntamento, si consumano SOLO le lezioni effettivamente frequentate)
‼️ Tenetevi aggiornati con noi, perché a sorpresa arrivano azioni, promozioni, lezioni omaggio per i nostri clienti.
Lo Studio Body Asset Movement Evolution si è cautelato per far fronte alla situazione sanitaria Covid-19?
Ci teniamo a far notare che, oltre a rispettare rigorosamente le norme emanate dalla Confederazione e dal Cantone, ci siamo dotati del miglior sistema di purificazione dell’aria attualmente disponibile sul mercato, utilizzato anche in aree ospedaliere e di degenza. ReSPR-ONE è un dispositivo che garantisce fino al 99,999% di abbattimento di patogeni efficace contro batteri, virus e muffe, Per maggiori informazioni consultare il sito web ReSPR.
BAME at your firm
Companies that foresightedly decide to offer their employees constant opportunities to meet, to provide them with elements of safeguarding and protecting their health, especially of the back, demonstrate that they want to invest in their workforce.
This attitude guarantees a relationship of mutual respect between the company management and the staff, inevitably directing both parties towards an improvement in interpersonal relationships and an increase in productivity itself.
PREVENTION is the key!
Employees who gladly go to work because they identify it as a place of well-being, can only be effective and efficient in their work
The attention of the medical-scientific community has been dedicated for years to demonstrating how a correct postural attitude during the execution of daily activities is essential to reduce the incidence of those injuries that often lead to even temporary inability to work. Unfortunately, today’s lifestyle has definitely dozed off the body’s innate ability to access its natural resources to sustain itself in the most adequate way.

BAME offers seminars dedicated to postural re-education at the workplaces of clients who request it, structured according to the specific needs that the interested parties encounter in carrying out their profession. For example, we have successfully proposed this type of collaboration to some kindergartens by informing the educators on how to deal with the inevitable stress to which their spine is subjected on a daily basis; to employees of different realities, proposing simple and effective ways to take care of their postural attitude even during working hours; to operators in cleaning and transport companies, teaching them how to perform in the most appropriate way the risky movements that concern their profession.
In order to be effective, programs of this type must be entrusted to competent professionals and must consist of a real business consultancy project, which allows all the parties involved to verify the results.
In 2011, the United Nations itself, based on research and reports provided by the World Health Organization on the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases, invited the private sector to “… promote and create an environment leading to healthy behavior among workers, including through good corporate practices such as workplace wellness programs…“.
Contact Francesca Cusin
Contact Francesca Cusin and book your BAME Pilates session.
J. H. Pilates
Joseph Hubertus Pilates Mönchengladbach 12.09.1883 – New York on 10.09.1967 was the creator of the Contrology® method (now simply known as “Pilates”) which fundamental principles are:
• Centering
• Concentration
• Control
• Flow
• Precision
• Breath
Pilates himself developed and built some equipment that are absolutely specific and characteristic of his technique, the use of which is essential to fully understand and perform the form of movement he intended as the basis for health.